No. 4, February 2015, 170 pp. (b/w ills.), 148.5 × 210 mm, ISBN 978-2-9545184-3-5, 3 parts:

1. opus: Camille Balenieri, Suburbia (1972) Bill Owens (French)
2. propos: Philip Ursprung, Heidi Bucher (French ⁄ English)
3. notes: Antonia Carrara, DreamEssentials, sleep mask

21.02.2015, 6pm

80 Rue Julien Lacroix
75020 Paris

octopus notes 4 launch!
opus 4. Camille Balenieri, Suburbia (1972) Bill Owens, preview

pp. 2–57. cahier d’images

pp. 64–65. Avant-propos

pp. 92–113. L’anthropologie visuelle à la découverte de la classe moyenne suburbaine

pp. 114–134. Esthétique et rhétorique de la banlieue

pp. 135–138. Conclusion

propos 4. Philip Ursprung, Heidi Bucher, preview


Alice Dusapin
Alice Pialoux
Claire Saillard


Marc Touitou

with & about

Antonia Carrara, Bill Owens, Camille Balenieri, Heidi Bucher, Philip Ursprung

Trèfle Communication, Paris


Claude and Daniela Almansi, Centre Culturel Suisse de Paris, Patrick de Haas, Jean-Paul Felley, Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth, The Estate of Heidi Bucher & Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Raphael Gygax, Olivier Kaeser, Marc Touitou, Philip Ursprung

opus 4. © Camille Balenieri & Éditions octopus notes, Paris. All rights reserved. propos 4. © Philip Ursprung & Éditions octopus notes, Paris. All rights reserved.

For all reproductions of works, documents and texts. All rights reserved, including reproduction in whole or in part in any form whatsoever.